Normally it has only had eleven or twelve members in all. Now it will have seventeen at the very least. 通常总共只有十一二个会员。现在将至少有十七个。
At the least, I needed some sleep 起码我得睡一会儿。
His possession of classified documents in his home was, at the very least, a violation of Navy security regulations. 他把机密文件藏在家中,至少是违反了海军安全条例。
They didn't actually like the magazine very much, but they bought it or, at the least, borrowed it from each other. 他们其实并不怎么喜欢这本杂志,但还是会买,或至少会互相借着看。
They neglect their duty at the least hint of fun elsewhere 别处哪怕发生一丁点儿乐事,他们便会忘记自己的职责。
Having chosen a meditation it is important that you stick to that meditation for, at the very least, a fortnight. 选择了一种冥想方法后,至少要坚持练习两周时间,这一点非常重要。
At the very least, he is devastatingly sure of himself, you can say that. 至少还可以说,他对自己是深信不疑的。
She flares up at the least thing. 她因一点小事而发火。
She flared up at the least thing. 她为了小事突然发怒。
If there are no ticking bombs, the forthcoming information at the very least promises to be interesting. 即便没有定时炸弹,这些信息至少也是很有意思的。
At the very least, it hopefully will be a cautionary tale for anyone who follows. 最起码,它很有希望成为一个值得所有后来者警惕的故事。
At the very least, it seems promising that companies are thinking about culture again at all. 至少,公司开始对文化重新思考会让人觉得曙光乍现。
At the very least, viewing photos and movies was a treat. 至少,观看图片和电影是种享受。
At the very least, it remains on track to open 13 more fulfillment centers this year. 至少从今年来看,亚马逊要兴建13个交付中心。
And her brother and her mother said, Let the damsel abide with us a few days, at the least ten; after that she shall go. 利百加的哥哥和她母亲说,让女子同我们再住几天,至少十天,然后她可以去。
Sweden, Denmark and New Zealand ranked at the top-as least corrupt and most transparent. 瑞典、丹麦和新西兰名列前茅,它们是腐败最少又是最为透明的国家。
Only that the generations of the children of Israel might know, to teach them war, at the least such as before knew nothing thereof; 好叫以色列的后代又知道又学习未曾晓得的战事。
Close to the right of the man, beside it, at the least, there exists the right of the soul. 紧靠人的权利,至少在它近旁,还有感情之权。
But, at the very least, it seemed to raise spirits before the athletes lowered record times. 但是,快餐至少看起来在运动员刷新纪录之前起到了让他们精神一振的作用。
At the very least, know where you are staying for the first night. 首先得明确,第一个晚上你会待在哪里。
How would you like to go with a girl| who exploded in anger| at the least little thing? 你愿意和一个为鸡毛蒜皮的小事而大动肝火的女孩一起出去吗?
At the very least, any cloud computing platform can seamlessly provide greater and greater computing resources on demand. 任何云计算平台都能够根据需要无缝地提供更多计算资源。
Ensure that you have uploaded at the very least, a version of the firmware that is installed on the planned master appliance. 确保您至少已经上传了安装在计划的主设备上的一个固件的版本。
In the end, the team's winning bid leaves them with a very risky project, which is likely to fail or at the least be unprofitable. 最后,团队获得竞标会留给他们一个有风险的项目,很可能失败或至少没有利益。
At the least, carefully document the requirements including the registry impact of both builds and runtime deployments. 至少,要对构建和运行时刻展开的注册影响进行仔细地记录。
At the least, the two Permissions must be of the same type. 至少,这两个Permission必须为同一类型。
At the very least you will easily be able to see whether or not UCM is a good fit for your implementation. 至少你将会容易地能够看到无论是否是UCM对于你的实施都是一个很好的适合。
At the very least, it must have a well-defined roadmap toward a stable and mature version. 至少,它必须具有定义良好的路线图,以过渡到稳定成熟的版本。
At the least, you need to export the LDAP schema to a file using the ldapsearch command. 至少需要用ldapsearch命令将LDAP模式导出到文件中。
At the very least, we ran scripts to test all areas of the system that might have been affected by defects we'd addressed. 至少我们运行了脚本来测试被我们已经解决了的缺陷所影响的系统部分。